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FireDuino Timer

Update time:2018-04-13 Views:7304

Fireduino Timer

Fireuino Timer is a real-time display of time and an example of a timer alarm,when the timing is reached,the flash screen and alarm,and can modify the real-time time and time through the button.

Operation process

1.Electricity began to read the time from RTC,and draw time information to display.
2.Press the MODE key to display the timer time,lift the button to display the clock time.
3.Long press MODE key to enter the timer mode,in this mode short press MODE switch position,short press the UP,DOWN adjust the corresponding value,long press quickly UP,DOWN adjust the corresponding value,long press MODE to enter the adjustment time mode.
4.In the timer mode,long press MODE to enter the time mode,modify the value of the method with its similar,long press MODE key to enter the display time mode,and write time into RTC.
5.Timer value and the time value at the same time,into the alarm mode (timer and adjustable time not to),alarm mode,press any key to exit the alarm mode.

Hardware connection


Fireduino as the main MCU,in order to drive TFT,RTC,KEY,BEEP and so on to provide a logical operating environment.


TFT for the display of equipment,mainly to provide a display of the dial and the time character.



RTC is onboard RTC independent units,used to hold and to obtain real time,using for HYM8563,mount in I2C1 interface,Fireduino provides specialized RTC library can be used directly.

Fireduino RTC SCH.jpg


Button is used to modify the local time,time,and BEEP is used to cause alarm when timer arrived.

Fireduino TFT WDT.jpg

Software logic


The timer is mainly divided into the following models

#define MODE_DISPALY_TIME    0            //Display time mode#define MODE_MODIFY_ALARM    1            //Modify timer mode#define MODE_MODIFY_TIME     2            //Modify time mode#define MODE_ALARM           3            //Timer mode#define MODE_DISPALY_ALARM   4            //Display timer value mode


Event triggered by the button,to provide the basis for the event processing

#define EVENT_MODE		 1     //Mode key raises the event#define EVENT_UP		 2     // UP event      #define EVENT_DOWN               3     // DOWN event#define EVENT_MODE_CHANG 	 4     // Mode change time#define EVENT_MODE_CLICK	 5     //Mode key press event


本示例使用了3个按键,使用了pin 5、6、7,每20ms 扫描一次按键状态,支持长按和短按。


#define KEY_MODE	0x01#define KEY_UP		0x02#define KEY_DOWN	0x04



void key_sacn(void){unsigned char pin_level = 0;if(digitalRead(5) == HIGH){
		pin_level |= KEY_MODE;}if(digitalRead(6) == HIGH){
		pin_level |= KEY_UP;}if(digitalRead(7) == HIGH){
		pin_level |= KEY_DOWN;} 
	key_trg = pin_level&(pin_level^key_count);
	key_count = pin_level;}

Key processing

According to the state,generate an event

void key_proc(void){if(key_trg & KEY_UP){
		event_key = EVENT_UP	;} 	if(key_count & KEY_UP){
		up_count++;if(up_count > 100){
			up_count = 80 + up_count_i;if(up_count_i++ >100){
				up_count_i = 100;}
			event_key = EVENT_UP;}}else{
		up_count = 0;
		up_count_i = 0;} }

Display processing

According to different models,show different scenes.
1.MODE_DISPALY_TIME display the clock dial and the clock character,the color is white.
2.MODE_MODIFY_ALARM show the timer dial and timer character,color is yellow,modify the corresponding number and the corresponding pointer are flashing.
3.MODE_MODIFY_TIME display clock dial and clock character,color is white,modify the corresponding number and the corresponding pointer are flashing.
4.MODE_ALARM  timer dial and character,color is red,clock and pointer are flashing.
5.MODE_DISPALY_ALARM  display timer and timer character,color is yellow.

void display_proc(void){switch(curr_mode){case MODE_DISPALY_TIME:......			break;case MODE_DISPALY_ALARM:......			break;case MODE_MODIFY_TIME :......			break;case MODE_MODIFY_ALARM :......			break;case MODE_ALARM :......			break;}}

Event processing

Event processing after the button processing,according to the time for different processing.

void event_proc(void){if(event_key){switch(event_key){case EVENT_MODE_CLICK :.....break;case EVENT_MODE :.....break;case EVENT_UP :.....                           
             break;case MODIFY_HOUR :.....                break;case EVENT_DOWN :.....              break;case EVENT_MODE_CHANG :.....   break;} event_key = 0;}}

Drawing processing

Draw the dial

Drawing pointer

Draw time character

Clean pointer and the corresponding character

void draw_dial(void);void clear_pointer(void);void clear_txt(unsigned char flash_bit);void draw_txt(RTCTime *time,unsigned char flash_bit);void draw_pointer(RTCTime *time);void draw_time(RTCTime *time);

Arduino program structure


void setup() {
  alarm_time.sec = 0;
  alarm_time.min = 0;
  alarm_time.hour = 0;
  delay(1);   // clear the screen with a pretty color
  TFTscreen.background(0, 0, 0);


void loop() { if(millis() > curr_ms){curr_ms = millis() + 250;//Display processingdisplay_proc();}//20ms detects a key stateif(millis() > curr_ms_key){curr_ms_key = millis() + 20;key_sacn();        //Key scankey_proc();        //Key generating eventevent_proc();    //Event processing  }}

Example program -- Fireduino Timer

#include <TFT.h>  // Arduino LCD library#include "Wire.h"#include "RTC.h"TFT TFTscreen = TFT();unsigned char Lcd_TimeX(unsigned char circle_x,unsigned char Length,unsigned char Angle){
   unsigned char x;
   if((Angle>0) && (Angle<=15))
   { x = circle_x + Length * (sin(PI * Angle / 30));
   else if(Angle > 15 && Angle <= 30)
   {  x = circle_x + Length * cos((PI * Angle) / 30 - (PI / 2 ));
   else if(Angle > 30 && Angle <= 45)
   {   x = circle_x - Length * sin((PI * Angle) / 30- PI);
   {   x = circle_x-Length * cos((PI * Angle) / 30 - ((3 * PI) / 2));
   }return x;}unsigned char Lcd_TimeY(unsigned char circle_y,unsigned char Length,unsigned char Angle){
   unsigned char y;
   if((Angle>0) && (Angle<=15))
   {  y = circle_y - Length * (cos(PI * Angle / 30));
   else if(Angle > 15 && Angle <= 30)
   {  y = circle_y + Length * sin((PI * Angle) / 30 - (PI / 2 ));
   else if(Angle > 30 && Angle <= 45)
   {   y = circle_y + Length * cos((PI * Angle) / 30- PI);
   {   y = circle_y - Length * sin((PI * Angle) / 30 - ((3 * PI) / 2));
   return y;}void draw_dial(void){unsigned int i ;,64,62);,64,63);for(i=0;i<60;i++){
	  if((i%5) == 0)
	  }}}void clear_pointer(void){unsigned char i;for(i = 0;i<60;i++){
		TFTscreen.line(Lcd_TimeX(64,48,i) ,Lcd_TimeY(64,48,i) ,64,64);
		TFTscreen.line(Lcd_TimeX(64,34,i) ,Lcd_TimeY(64,34,i) ,64,64);
		TFTscreen.line(Lcd_TimeX(64,24,i) ,Lcd_TimeY(64,24,i) ,64,64);}}void clear_txt(unsigned char flash_bit){switch(flash_bit){case 0:
			TFTscreen.fillRect(90, 140,22,14,0);break;case 1:
			TFTscreen.fillRect(54, 140,22,14,0);break;case 2:
			TFTscreen.fillRect(18, 140,22,14,0);break;default:
			TFTscreen.fillRect(18, 140,94,14,0);break;}}void draw_txt(RTCTime *time,unsigned char flash_bit){char temp[9];switch(flash_bit){case 0:sprintf(temp,"%02d",time->sec);
			temp[3] = 0;
			TFTscreen.text(temp, 90, 140);break;case 1:sprintf(temp,"%02d",time->min);
			temp[3] = 0;
			TFTscreen.text(temp, 54, 140);break;case 2:sprintf(temp,"%02d",time->hour);
			temp[3] = 0;
			TFTscreen.text(temp, 18, 140);break;default:sprintf(temp,"%02d:%02d:%02d",time->hour,time->min,time->sec);
			temp[8] = 0;
			TFTscreen.text(temp, 18, 140);break;}}void draw_pointer(RTCTime *time