ROC-RK3328-CC Buy Specs

Firefly first ultra-small open-source main board, unique USB3.0 and DDR4 to make its performance faster and more stable. The ultra-affordable ROC-RK3328-CC is your first choice for exploring the programming world.


Update time:2018-04-13 Views:2204


ROC-RK3328-CC development board supports 3 independent UART controller:UART0,UART1and UART2,each with two 64-byte FIFO buffers for data reception and transmission. among them:

  • UART0 for Bluetooth transmission, UART2 for debugging serial port, only UART0 and UART3 support hardware automatic flow control.

  • Support bit rate 115.2Kbps, 460.8Kbps, 921.6Kbps, 1.5Mbps, 3Mbps, 4Mbps.

  • Supports programmable baud rates even,even with non-integer clock divider.

  • Supports interrupt-based or DMA-based modes

  • Support 5-8 bit width transfer

Our ROC-RK3328-CC development board for the convenience of users, leads to a row of general-purpose GPIO, the corresponding schematic is as follows:

RX2, TX2 for UART2 debug serial port, RX1, TX1 as UART1 can be used as an external serial port.

Debugging method

You can now communicate with the uart4 via a USB-to-serial adapter in your host PC. Follow the steps below:

(1) Connect the uart port.

Connect the TX, RX, GND pins of uart4 to the serial adapter's TX, RX, GND pins respectively.

(2) Open a serial terminal in host PC.

Run kermit in a shell window, and set baud rate:

$ sudo kermit
C-Kermit> set line /dev/ttyUSB0
C-Kermit> set speed 9600
C-Kermit> set flow-control none
C-Kermit> connect
* /dev/ttyUSB0 is the device file of USB-to-serial adapter.
*  baud is the "current-speed" attribute in the DTS node.

(3) Transmit data.

The device file for uart1 is /dev/ttyS1. Run the following command in device:

echo firefly uart1 test... > /dev/ttyS1
The serial terminal in the host PC will receive string "firefly uart1 test...".

(4) Receive data.

First, run the following command in device:

cat /dev/ttyS1

Then input string "Firefly uart1 test..." in the serial terminal.You can see the same string received in the device.


Q1: Why is the system error after connecting to the serial adapter?

A1:ROC-RK3328-CC development board's TX and RX, respectively, corresponding to the serial port adapter's TX and RX, If confused, it will lead to serial communication error.